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  1. Martini, J., Wade, M., Prime, H., & Jenkins, M. J. (in press). Dimensions of parenting during infancy: Testing a latent bifactor model. Social Development.

  2. Prime, H., Muise, A., Jambon, M., Koven, M., Markwell, A., & Wade, M. (2024). A pilot randomized controlled trial of a brief conflict reappraisal intervention for community couples with young children. Cognitive Therapy and Research

  3. Sloss, I. M., Smith, J., Sebben, S., Wade, M., Prime, H., & Browne, D. T. (2024). Family functioning in the context of current and historical stressors: Exploring the buffering role of social support. Child Abuse & Neglect. 

  4. Bennett, T., Drmic, I., Gross, J., Jambon, M., Kimber, M., Zaidman-Zait, A., Andrews, K., Frei, J., Duku, E., Georgiades, S., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Lipman, E., Pires, P., Prime, H., Roncadin, C., Salt, M., & Shine, R. (2024). The Family-Check-Up® Autism Implementation Research (FAIR) Study: Protocol for a Study Evaluating the Effectiveness and Implementation of a Family-Centered Intervention within a Canadian Autism Service Setting. Frontiers in Public Health.

  5. Johnson, D., Browne, D.T., Prime, H., Heron, J., & Wade, M. (2023). Parental mental health trajectories over the COVID-19 pandemic and links with childhood adversity and pandemic stress. Child Abuse & Neglect.  

  6. ​​Prime, H., Walsh, F., & Masten, A.S. (2023). Building family resilience in the wake of a global pandemic: Looking back to prepare for the future. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne

  7. Prime, H., Muise, M., Markwell, A., Thabane, L., & Wade, M. (2023). Promoting conflict reappraisal in parenting couples: A feasibility study and preliminary evaluation of a brief writing intervention. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

  8. Shoychet, G., Kimber, M., Weiss, J., Honest, O., & Prime, H. (2023). Empirical support for a model of risk and resilience in children and families during COVID-19: A systematic review & narrative synthesis. Development & Psychopathology

  9. Philipp, D., Prime, H., & Darwiche (2023). An ultra-brief systemic therapy to address child mental health symptomatology. Family Process, 00:1–14. 

  10.  Prime, H., Andrews, K., Markwell, A., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Tricco, A., Bennett, T., & Atkinson, L. (2023). Positive parenting and early childhood cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

  11. Johnson, D., Browne, D., Meade, R., Prime, H., & Wade, M. (2022). Latent classes of adverse and benevolent childhood experiences in a multinational sample of parents and their relation to parent, child, and family functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (20),13581.

  12. Prime, H., Wade, M., & Browne, D. (2022). Pandemic-related disruption and positive adaptation: Profiles of family function at the onset of the pandemic. Adversity and Resilience Science: Journal of Research and Practice.

  13. *Shoychet, G., Browne, D. T., Wade, M., & Prime, H. (2022). Assessing positive adaptation during a global crisis: The development and validation of the family positive adaptation during COVID-19 scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 886504.

  14. Prime, H., Muise, A., Benyamin, V., Thabane, L., & Wade, M. (2022). Love Together, Parent Together (L2P2): A protocol for a feasibility study of a conflict reappraisal writing intervention for interparental couples with young children. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

  15. Browne, D.T., Wade, M., May, S.S., Jenkins, J.M., & Prime, H. (2021). COVID-19 disruption gets inside the family: A two-month multilevel study of family stress during the pandemic. Developmental Psychology.

  16. Andrews, K., Dunn, J., Prime, H., Duku, E., Atkinson, L., Tiwari, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2021). Effects of household chaos and parental responsiveness on child executive functions: A novel, multi-method approach. BMC Psychology.

  17. Prime, H., Andrews, K., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Tricco, A., Bennett, T., & Atkinson, L. (2021). The causal influence of responsive parenting behaviour on academic readiness: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Systematic Reviews.​

  18. Browne, D.T., Wade, M., May, S.S., Jenkins, J.M., & Prime, H. (2021). COVID-19 Disruption gets Inside the Family: A Two-Month Multilevel Study of Family Stress during the Pandemic. Developmental Psychology.

  19. Prime, H., Wade, M., May, S.S., Jenkins, J.M., & Browne, D.T. (2021). The COVID-19 Family Stressor Scale: Validation and Measurement Invariance in Female and Male Caregivers. Frontiers in Psychiatry. â€‹

  20. Wade, M., Prime, H., Johnson, D., May, S. S., Jenkins, J. M., & Browne, D. T. (2021). The disparate impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of female and male caregivers. Social Science & Medicine, 113801.

  21. Anderson, N., Graham, S., Prime, H., Jenkins, J., & Madigan, S. (2021). Linking quality and quantity of parental linguistic input to child language skills: A meta-analysis. Child Development.

  22. Prime, H., Andrews, K., McTavish, J., Harris, M., Janus, M., Bennett, T., & Gonzalez, A. (2020). The application of positive parenting interventions to academic school readiness: A scoping review. Child: Care, Health and Development.

  23. Wade, M., Prime, H., & Browne, D.T. (2020). Why we need longitudinal mental health research with children and youth during (and after) the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatry Research. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113143

  24. Prime., H., Wade, M., & Browne, D.T. (2020). Risk and resilience in family well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Psychologist. doi: 10.1037/amp0000660

  25. Harris, M., Andrews K., Gonzalez A., Prime H., Atkinson L. (2020). Technology-assisted parenting interventions for high-risk families: A meta-analysis. Prevention Science. doi:10.1007/s11121-020-01128-0

  26. Browne, D., May, S., Hurst-Della, P., Christakis, D., Asamoah, T., Hale, L., … Neville, R. (2019). From “Screen Time” to the digital level of analysis: Protocol for a scoping review of digital media use in children and adolescence. BMJ Open.  doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032184

  27. Prime, H., Wade, M., & Gonzalez, A. (2019). The link between maternal and child verbal abilities: An indirect effect through maternal responsiveness. Developmental Science, Epub. doi:/10.1111/desc.12907

  28. Madigan, S., Prime, H., Graham, S., Rodrigues, M., Anderson, N., Khoury, J., & Jenkins, J. (2019). Parenting behaviour and language development: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 144, e20183556. doi:10.1542/peds.2018-3556

  29. Prime, H., Schneider, A., & Jenkins, J. (2018). Individual differences in emotionality. In K. Oatley, D. Keltner, & J. Jenkins (Eds.) Understanding Emotions. Fourth Edition. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

  30. Wade, M., Prime, H., Jenkins, J.M.. Yeates, K.O., Williams, T., & Lee, K. (2018). On the relation between theory of mind and executive functioning: A developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-22. doi:10.3758/s13423-018-1459-0

  31. Browne, D., Wade, M., Prime, H., & Jenkins, J. (2018). School readiness amongst urban Canadian families: Risk profiles and family mediation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(1),133. doi:10.1037/edu0000202

  32. Pauker, S., Perlman, M., Prime, H., & Jenkins, J. (2018). Caregiver cognitive sensitivity: Measure development and validation in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45, 45-57. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.05.001

  33. Wade, M., Prime, H., Hoffmann, T., Schmidt, L., O'Connor, T., & Jenkins, J. (2018). Birth weight interacts with a functional variant of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene to predict executive functioning in children. Development and Psychopathology, 30, 203-211. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.05.001

  34. Prime, H., Plamondon, A., & Jenkins, J. (2017). Birth order and preschool children’s cooperative abilities: A within family analysis. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 35, 392-405. doi:10.1111/bjdp.12180

  35. Rodrigues, M., Binnoon-Erez, N., Prime, H., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J. (2017). Familial risk and sibling mentalization: Links with preschoolers’ internalizing problems. Journal of Family Psychology, 31, 785. doi:10.1037/fam0000308

  36. Pauker, S., Perlman, M., Prime, H., & Jenkins, J. (2017). Differential parenting and children's social understanding. Social Development. 26, 645-657. doi:10.1111/sode.12214

  37. Browne, D. T., Leckie, G., Prime, H., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J. M. (2016). Observed sensitivity during family interactions and cumulative risk: A study of multiple dyads per family. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1128. doi:10.1037/dev0000143

  38. Prime, H., Plamondon, A., Pauker, S., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J. M. (2016). Sibling cognitive sensitivity as a moderator of the relationship between sibship size and children’s theory of mind: A longitudinal analysis. Cognitive Development, 39, 93. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2016.03.005

  39.  Wade, M., Prime, H., & Madigan, S. (2015). Using sibling designs to understand neurodevelopmental disorders: From genes and environments to prevention programming. BioMed Research International. doi:10.1155/2015/672784

  40. Browne, D. T., Plamondon, A., Prime, H., Puente-Duran, S., & Wade, M. (2015). Cumulative risk and developmental health: An argument for the importance of a family-wide science. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 6,397. doi:10.1002/wcs.1349

  41. Prime, H., Browne, D., Akbari, E., Wade, M., Madigan, S., & Jenkins, J. (2015). The development of a measure of maternal cognitive sensitivity appropriate for use in primary care health settings. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 56, 488. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12322

  42. Prime, H., Pauker, S., Plamondon, A., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J. (2014). Sibship size, sibling cognitive sensitivity, & children’s receptive vocabulary. Pediatrics, 133. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2874

  43. Prime, H., Perlman, M., Tackett, J., & Jenkins, J. (2014). Cognitive sensitivity in sibling interactions: Development of the construct and comparison of two coding methodologies. Early Education and Development, 25, 240. doi:10.1080/10409289.2013.82131310.

  44. Browne, D., Prime, H., & Wade, M. (2012). Contemporary systems psychology and integrated approaches to school and service delivery: Reincarnations of Lightner Witmer's "Psychological Clinic". Journal of Scientific Psychology, 102-115.

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